Assembly Times
Bible classes @ 9:45a
Worship @ 10:30a & 6:00p
Bible classes @ 6:30p

We invite you to any and all of these opportunities to worship, study and grow with us!
You Will Be Our Welcomed Guest!

Location & Directions:
Address: 987 West Main Street Newark, OH 43055
We assemble at the corner of West Main Street and 28th Street in Newark, across from the Cherry Valley Elementary School and the West Newark Library.
What To Expect?
Singing – We sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in worship to God and to encourage each other (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16).
Prayer – We pray together to express our praise to God, express our gratitude, confess our sins and petition God’s help because we believe in the power of prayer (1 Cor. 14:15; James 5:16).
Bible Teaching – We listen to a message from God’s word to teach, rebuke, correct, encourage and train us to live in a way that pleases God (1 Tim. 13:16-4:4).
The Lord Supper – We remember the deep significance of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection every Sunday by sharing His memorial supper, consisting of unleavened bread and grape juice. (Acts 20:7; Matthew 26:26-29)
The Collection – We give to support the work of this church from how God has blessed us, though visitors are not expected to give (1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 9:6-7).
What about your kids?
We are not just interested in helping adults learn and live God’s word, but children also. Our two Bible classes each week provide an opportunity for children of all ages (starting at 18 months) to learn about God and His word. To find out what our classes are currently studying. Click here.
We also committed to providing every m e classrooms. In addition, every classroom has windows so you can chec ember f the family with a safe learning environment. If you arrive early, you’ll have the opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and see the classrooms. In addition, every classroom has windows so you can check on your child at any time.

Special Assemblies
Periodically throughout the year, we also hold special assemblies. This includes a yearly sing and Gospel meeting where we have a visiting preacher teach over multiple days. For additional information about any special assemblies scheduled, Click here.
Do you have questions or need assistance visiting with us?
Send us a message and let us know how we can help.